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 We love and strive to live by the Bible verse: Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might; Ecclesiastes 9:10

Here are a few pics depicting what we love to do!


One of Fred's greatest gifts is his desire and ability to train the next generation! 

Children aren't a burden at BeZak, but one of our favorite elements of business!

This is where it all started! Meet Irene, our first water truck. It wouldn't be uncommon for this truck to log several hundred miles during our first couple summers serving the mountain communities.


For the last 23 years, we have been privileged to work with many amazing pool installers and families!  


The best part is when the kids start swimming before it is full!

We love jumping in and helping out many churches and community organizations by assisting with site wash down, slip and slides, and many other unique tasks. 

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